“So what is it in a human life that creates bravery, kindness, wisdom, and resilience? What if it's pain? What if it's the struggle?”
For the record, I'm with Vicki—Tracy is one of the strongest people I know. I'll wager anyone lucky enough to know her would add a hearty amen to that. And like Tray, I've had bravery on the brain. Especially after seeing Hidden Figures the other night. Those women convinced me that with some elbow grease, dogged determination, and a shot of courage, there's nothin' I can't do—except math beyond the fifth grade level.
With thoughts of bravery abounding and the month of love approaching, Glennon Doyle Melton's Love Warrior practically jumped off the shelf as the obvious pick for February book club. This praise from another favorite, Brené Brown, sealed the deal:
"This is a book about what it means to be human―to wrestle with love, hurt, addiction, vulnerability, intimacy, and grace. Love Warrior blew me away. We can all find pieces of our own stories reflected in Glennon's powerful words. We are so lucky to have her courage and wisdom in the world. We need this kind of truth telling if we are ever going to find our way back to each other."