Weekly Wrap-Up

At that moment we knew that as long as we used our brains, we were not victims. By striking out to write our own ticket, we would grow up to be like our mother, winners. —Terry Ryan


Moms. Seriously, we're big fans...of our own mothers and being moms ourselves. If we were the pulled-together bloggers we've never professed to be, we'd have posted fabulous gift ideas a week or two ago in honor of tomorrow's love your mama day. Sigh. Can't blame this one on the intern either; he dutifully sent helpful links weeks ago. For those of you as time-challenged as we are, here are a few last minute gift ideas from the list our mighty intern scrounged up for us: Who wouldn't love one of these darling bookmarks from Anthropologie? Or these coasters? Cement your status as favorite by giving your mom a first edition of Pride and Prejudice. Best. Gift. Ever.

We're loving Goodread's list of favorite book moms and their words of wisdom. Did your favorite fictional mom make the cut? We'd add Charlie Kate and Sophia from Charms for the Easy Life.  I'm sure there are others we'd add that I'll think of immediately after posting this...

Two memoirs we love with beautiful tributes to their moms are All Over but the Shoutin' (see Tracy's review here) and The Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio.

Want to instantly feel better either about your mom or your own mothering skills? Read one of these: The Glass Castle, The Help, or Tender at the Bone.

Posted by Rachel