One Small Thought Can Color The World

There is more treasure in books than in all the pirates’ loot on Treasure Island. —Walt Disney

I’m a bibliophile.  Because I listen ardently to Rachel, I braced myself for Marie Kondo’s not-even-close to magical advice about book keeping. Can I be 100% honest here?  I couldn’t deal with the absolute disregard she has for the beauty of books (despite girding up my loins).  Books are to be treasured, not torn.  They aren’t mere words on a page. Books embody so much more than print.  Take, for example, the picture book What Do You Do With An Idea.

What Do You Do With An Idea is a trove of gorgeous illustrations highlighting a boy and something precious he has created: a brilliant idea.  The story considers how uncomfortable and wonderful it can feel to have an earth-changing idea.  And it underscores the notion that one small persistent thought can color our world.  What a magical message with equally exquisite pictures—but it is more than that alone.  It’s confidence.  It’s hope.  It’s inspiration.

Dreamers and creatives alike will love this bright little read, the recipient of an Independent Publisher’s Book Award.  Wish Rae and I would have encountered it when we initially thought to blog about books.  We would have sprinted with the idea.  This keepsake will remain on my bookshelf for years—ne’er a tear.  Oh and they’re all relevant, lovely, enchanted pages.

Posted by Tracy
