Two at Twenty Seven

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Dog Days of Summer

“This is the thing about good and evil. They aren’t so far apart—and they often start from the same valiant place of wanting something to be different.”     

The older I get the more I’ve come to believe that a good beach read is therapeutic, even if I can’t physically make it to the beach. There’s something cathartic about getting lost in a story that’s not overly complicated but holds your interest, and makes you feel good in the process. The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave checks all of those happy-read-lucky boxes.

Here’s the basic premise: Owen Michaels disappears, leaving his new wife, Hannah, a note with only two words on it: Protect Her. She knows the note refers to Owen’s 16-year-old daughter, Bailey, who wants nothing to do with her. The media shares reports of corruption at Owen’s workplace and the FBI arrests his boss. The FBI, US Marshalls, Hannah, and Bailey aren’t the only ones looking for Owen. Together, Hannah and Bailey begin to realize that Owen isn’t who he said he is. As they look to his past, they unknowingly begin to build their future.

If you’re looking for a story to get lost in before summer’s end, or you’re lucky enough to find yourself with sand in between your toes and the ocean calling, The Last Thing He Told Me is a good four-star beach read that will help you enjoy the dog days of summer.

Posted by Sharee