Two at Twenty Seven

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April Book Club Selection

“I must be overtired," Buttercup managed. "The excitement and all."

"Rest then," her mother cautioned. "Terrible things can happen when you're overtired. I was overtired the night your father proposed.” —William Goldman, The Princess Bride

Lately, I live in a constant state of overtired-ness. While I can't say anything terrible has happened, my increasingly scattered brain did alarm my husband enough for him to send me this text: "There's going to be some nice men in white coats coming to get you. It's okay, just go with them." To which I replied: "A locked room with nothing but a bed and pillow sounds great about right now." Throw in a stack of books and I'll check myself in. Just think of all the time I'd have to read next month's book club pick: A Word for Love

Kind of going out on limb with this one. First, Tray and I are both overtired (Buttercup's mom would not approve), and second, it's so new that no one we know has read it. But Tray, who has an eye for winners, was sold the minute she read this review from Khaled Hosseini: "Told in quiet but elegant prose, each thump of this melodic novel’s heart (and what an enormous, rousing heart it is) attests to the timeless and life-giving power of love." Who are we to argue with Khaled?

Posted by Rachel